Annexure 1
Areas of control
Natural Area | Rural Area (Outside urban edge) | Urban Area | Urban Area (Within urban edge) | Urban Area (Within urban edge) |
Proclaimed nature reserve | Agricultural areas/ zones | (a) Urban conservation areas(b) Within areas of special significance | (a) Central business districts(b) Outside areas of special significance | Industrial zones |
Protected natural environment | Horticultural areas | Declared Heritage sites (rural and natural) | Mixed use commercial and residential areas | Designated transportation terminals |
Game reserves | Rural small holdings | Graded buildings and places | Commercial ribbon development and activity corridors | Designated areas within undetermined zones |
Proclaimed bird parks | Large private open spaces (e.g. golf courses) | Residential zones and adjacent road and rail reserves | Commercial and business districts and adjacent streets and rail reserves | Specific areas or sites designated as minimum control by way of a map prepared by the municipality |
Forestry areas | Scenic drives | Mobility routes | Entertainment district or complexes with commercial zones | |
River corridors | Scenic landscapes | Pedestrian malls and pedestrian squares | Sportsfields and stadia | |
1:100 Year Flood plains | Scenic features | School sites and institutional zones | Undetermined zones (including railway reserves, transport use zones | |
Wetlands | Municipal parks | Scenic features | Specific areas or sites designated as partial control by way of a map prepared by the municipality | |
Scenic drives | Urban edge zones as defined in the Urban Edge Policy | Scenic drives | | |
Greening of city network | Agricultural and horticultural areas and adjacent road and rail reserves | Gateways | | |
Specific areas or sites designated as maximum natural by way of a map prepared by the municipality | Specific areas or sites designated as maximum rural by way of a map prepared by the municipality | Public open spaces | | |
| | Private Open Spaces | | |
| | Urban small holdings | | |
| | Intensive urban agriculture areas | | |
| | Subsistence urban agriculture areas | | |
| | 1:100 Year flood plains | | |
| | River corridors | | |
| | Wetlands | | |
| | Community facilities (excluding sports facilities and stadia) | | |
| | Core flora conservation sites as identified by the National Botanical Institute | | |
| | Special Business zones | | |
| | Residential components of mixed use buildings | | |
| | Specific areas or sites designated as maximum urban by way of a map prepared by the municipality | | |
Schedule 2
1.Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of Billboards, whether custom made or of standard design, is permitted only in areas of minimum and partial control. In addition Billboards must:(a)if the proposed erf where the billboards are to be erected borders on class 2 and 3 roads the billboard may not be placed less than 5 metres from the property’s boundary line. If the proposed site of erection of a billboard has been designated as a gateway then no billboards will be permitted within such gateway.(b)comply with the standard conditions of approval set out in this by-law.(c)not encroach over the boundary lien of the property on which it is erected, whether such encroachment is aerial or on ground level.(d)have a minimum clear height of 2.4m and a sign structure which does not exceed a maximum height of 7.5m above natural ground level.(e)not exceed a maximum total size of 6 × 3m (18m²) provided that on any V-shaped structure, two such panels may be permitted.(f)be displayed between the angles of 90° and 60° to the direction of oncoming traffic.(g)be spaced a minimum distance apart as specified in section 9 of this by-law.(h)if located at signalized traffic intersections: may not be erected or displayed within 50 metres of the perimeter of the intersection if unilluminated; and within 80 metres of the perimeter of the intersection if illuminated.(i)if erected along the right hand side of a section of road, such that its graphics are visible to a driver traveling on the left hand side of the road, shall be deemed to have replaced the advertising opportunity that existed on the left hand side of the road.(j)have a minimum letter or number height of 285mm.2.The information content of a proposed advertisement will be measured in "bits". In calculating the information content of a proposed advertisement, the bit weights shown in the table below must be used.3.The total bits in a proposed advertisement may not exceed 15.4.No tri face signs are allowed.ELEMENTS OF THE ADVERTISEMENT | BITS PER ELEMENT |
Words | up to 4 letters | 0.5 |
| 5-8 letters | 1.0 |
| more than 8 letters | 2.0 |
Numbers | up to 4 digits | 0.5 |
| 5–8 digits | 1.0 |
| more than 8 digits | 2.0 |
Logos, symbols and graphics | smaller the 9m² | 0.5 |
| between 9 and 18m² | 1.0 |
| between 18 and 27m² | 1.5 |
| larger than 27m² | 2.0 |
Schedule 3
Locality bound freestanding- and composite signs
1.Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of locality bound freestanding- and composite signs are permitted only in urban areas of maximum, partial and minimum control. In addition:(a)Locality bound freestanding signs may only be permitted in the following instances:(i)where business premises are set back 15 metres or more from the boundary of the road reserve; or(ii)where it is not reasonably possible to affix appropriate signs to a building; or(iii)where such a sign is necessary to allow the public to locate the entrance to business premises; or(iv)where the existence of a freestanding composite sign may prevent the proliferation of signs.2.Locality bound freestanding composite signs may not exceed 4,5 metres in height and in addition may not exceed 4,5m² in total area. This provision may be waived to a maximum height of 7,5 metres and a maximum total area of 10m² per side, having regard to the following factors:(a)if such increase reduces the number of individual signs facing any one street boundary of the site, thereby minimising the visual impact on the surrounding environment;(b)if more than two significant roads approach the site in question;(c)the number of businesses which will be advertising on such sign;(d)the number of approach or exit routes to the site in question;(e)the applicable zoning of the area surrounding the site in question.3.Service station freestanding signs must be locality bound and may only be erected or displayed at service stations adjacent to and directly accessible from the public road at which such a sign is directed and only one service station freestanding facility sign per street boundary may be permitted.4.Service station freestanding signs may not exceed 7,5 metres in height and may not consist of more than eight advertising panels of 4,5m² each in total area. The provisions of this section may be waived to a maximum height of 16 metres and eight advertising panels not exceeding 6m² each in total area having regard to the factors mentioned in item 2 above. In areas of maximum control the maximum height is 4,5 metres and an area of 7,0m² on each side.Schedule 4
Signs attached to walls of buildings: flat and projecting signs
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of flat and projecting signs are permitted in all areas of maximum, partial or minimum control. In addition, flat and projecting signs may:1.Not be allowed within 0,6 metres of the edge of a roadway nor may it extend to within 0.6 metres of the edge of a roadway.2.Not project in front of a wall more than 1,5 metres in the case of a sign which has a clear height of more than 7,5 metres or more than 1 metre in the case of any lesser clear height.3.Not project more than 250mm over a footway unless such sign has more then 2.4 metres clear height.4.Not obstruct the view from any window or any other external opening of any building and no portion of any such sign may obstruct the opening or closing of any window, door or any other openings.5.Not exceed 54m² in total area and may not exceed one-quarter of the overall area of the surface to which they are affixed or painted whichever is the lesser. This size restriction may be waived on condition that:(a)an environmental impact assessment be submitted to the municipality indicating no detrimental environmental impact is envisaged;(b)if it is proposed to erect or projecting sign in a conservation area, a heritage impact assessment be submitted indicating no detrimental impact in respect of heritage resources is envisaged; and(c)only graphics designed and created by a suitably qualified consultant be displayed on such sign;6.Be considered for approval on blank common boundary facades of non-residential buildings.7.If the sign appears on public facades of any building—(a)be so designed as to become an integral part of the building design; and(b)when third party, only be permitted if custom-made and subject to the requirements of 5(a) to (c) above.Schedule 5
Sky signs
1.Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of sky signs whether custom made or of standard design, is permitted in areas of minimum control only. In addition, sky signs must:(a)be limited to a maximum total size of 4,5m², provided that this size requirement may be waived up to a maximum of 18m² upon receipt of an environmental impact assessment indicating no detrimental environmental impact is envisaged; and(b)not obstruct the view from any other building.2.Sky signs along the top edge of the roof of cultural, historic or architecturally significant buildings will only be permitted if they are locality bound, unilluminated and consist of individual cut-out letters or logos.3.The information content of a proposed advertisement will be measured in "bits". In calculating the information contents of a proposed advertisement, the bit weights shown in the table below should be used.4.The total bits in a proposed advertisement may not exceed 15.ELEMENTS OF THE ADVERTISEMENT | BITS PER ELEMENT |
Words | up to 4 letters | 0.5 |
| 5-8 letters | 1.0 |
| more than 8 letters | 2.0 |
Numbers | up to 4 digits | 0.5 |
| 5–8 digits | 1.0 |
| more than 8 digits | 2.0 |
Logos, symbols and graphics | smaller the 9m² | 0.5 |
| between 9 and 18m² | 1.0 |
| between 18 and 27m² | 1.5 |
| larger than 27m² | 2.0 |
Schedule 6
Roof signs
1.Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of roof signs is permitted in all urban areas of control except areas zoned for residential purposes in areas of maximum control. In addition:(a)The total area of any roof sign affixed flush onto or painted onto a roof of a building may not exceed one-quarter of the overall area of the roof to which it is affixed or painted.(b)When attached to the bottom edge of a roof or vertically midway on the roof of a building, such sign may not exceed 1 metre in height and its total area may not exceed 25% of the roof area to which it is affixed.2.It shall be permissible to affix a roof sign along the edge of a roof of a building, if such sign is composed of a single line of individual, cut-out letters, without visible bracing or support but may not be erected along more than two edges of such roof and may not exceed 3,6m² in total area (6 × 0,6m); with a maximum height of 1 metre.Schedule 7
Signs on a verandah, balcony, canopy, supporting columns, pillars and posts
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of signs on a verandah, balcony, canopy, supporting columns, pillars and posts may be permitted in all areas of control on condition that they also comply with the following:1.No such signs will be allowed on or over architectural features of buildings.2.Such signs may be affixed flat onto or painted on a parapet wall, balustrade or railing of a verandah or balcony, and beam or fascia of a verandah or balcony.3.The sign may not exceed 1m in height or project above or below or beyond either end of the surface to which it is affixed, or project more the 250mm in front of the surface to which it is affixed or project over a roadway or within 0,6 metres of the edge of the roadway.4.Such signs may be affixed flat onto or painted on supporting columns, pillars and posts. In this regard, no sign may project more than 50mm in front of the surface to which it is affixed and may not extend beyond any of the extremities of such column, pillar or post. Signs affixed flat onto non-rectangular supporting structures must be curved to fit the form of such structure.5.Only one sign per column, pillar or post will be allowed.6.Such signs suspended below the roof of a verandah, canopy or the floor of a balcony may not exceed 1,8 metres in length or 600mm in height.7.Every such sign must be at right angles to the building line.8.No signs suspended under a canopy may extend beyond the external edge of the canopy or verandah to which it is attached.9.All suspended signs must have a clear height of at least 2,4 metres.10.Such signs on the roof of a verandah, canopy or balcony, excluding the main roof of a building, must be composed of a single line of freestanding individual, cut-out silhouette letters without visible bracing or other visible means of support and may not be erected along more than two edges of such roof of a verandah or balcony.Schedule 8
Signs on boundary walls and fences and on construction site hoardings
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of signs on boundary walls and fences is permitted only for locality bound signs in urban areas of maximum, minimum or partial control and in addition:1.In urban areas of maximum and partial control, the municipality may approve an application to affix a locality bound sign against a boundary wall only if the sign is indented into the wall or composed of individual, unilluminated cut-out letters or symbols fixed flat on such wall not projecting more than 50mm from the face of such wall.2.In areas of minimum control, the municipality may approve—(a)an application to affix a locality bound sign flat onto a boundary wall only if it does not project more than 50mm from the face of such wall; and(b)an application to affix a locality bound flat sign with a maximum size of 0,5m² onto the permanent fence of an erf.3.Third party and locality bound advertising on construction site hoardings and fences must comply with the following conditions:(a)any one sign may not exceed a vertical dimension of 3 metres and total area of 18m² and in the case of construction site cladding, the graphic must comply with the requirements of the Advertising Standards Association of South Africa.(b)any such sign may not project more than 100mm in front of the hoarding or fence to which it is affixed;(c)it may not be illuminated in areas of maximum and partial control; and(d)advertising will not be allowed on construction site hoardings and fences within the cone of vision of motorists at signalised traffic intersections.Schedule 9
Headline posters
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of headline posters is permitted in all areas except natural and rural areas of maximum control. In addition:1.Headline posters may not exceed 0.9m × 0.6m in area.2.The commercial content of the poster may not exceed 20% of the area of the poster nor may such commercial lettering be larger than the main lettering in the remainder of the poster.3.The posters may be attached to municipal electrical light poles only where approved by the municipality for the express purposes of these posters.4.Poster may not be affixed to traffic signal poles, or other poles which carry road traffic signs, or poles erected for any other purpose, or any other street furniture, wall, fences, trees, rocks or other natural features.5.Headline posters may not be pasted on municipal electric light poles but are to be mounted on board and affixed securely with stout string or plastic ties unless a permanent frame has been approved for this purpose.6.Only one headline poster per pole, regardless of which newspaper group it is, will be permitted.7.The number of posters as well as the designated areas for the display of headline posters as approved by the municipality must be strictly adhered to.8.All "special events" posters are to comply with the following:(a)the name of the newspaper group, the "special event" and the date of the "special event" must appear on the posters in letters not less than 50mm in height;(b)the special event posters may not be displayed more than 7 days before the date of the event and they must be removed within 24 hours after the date of the event shown on the poster.9.Headline posters and fastenings are to be removed on a daily basis failing which the posters will be removed, at the newspaper group’s expense, in accordance with the standard tariff for removal of posters.10.The municipality may recover the costs of the removal of unauthorised posters, and the reinstatement of the surface from which such posters were removed, from the person responsible for the display of such posters or the newspaper group concerned.11.The municipality may remove any poster displayed in contravention of the abovementioned conditions.12.Any poster not removed on a daily basis or a poster relating to a "special event" by due date referred to in item 8(b) may be removed by the municipality.13.The display of unauthorised posters is illegal and the municipality may also remove such posters.14.The municipality may determine the costs involved for the removal of unauthorised posters..15.Application must be made on an annual basis by each newspaper group for permission to display such posters subject to an annual tariff per newspaper group.16.A deposit per newspaper group who wishes to display posters must be paid annually against which a charge for the removal of any poster which contravenes the by-law will be levied. In the event of the above deposit being exhausted, permission to display such poster may be withdrawn until a further deposit is submitted to the municipality.Schedule 10
Posters, banners, flags and balloons
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of posters, banners and flags other than those referred to in Schedule 11, or balloons is permitted in all areas except natural- and rural areas and areas of maximum control. In addition:1.The display of posters, banners, flags and balloons is prohibited on any bridge or across any public road, and along any road designated by the municipality, unless consent has been obtained from the municipality.2.Posters, banners, flags and balloons may not be attached so as to interfere with or constitute a danger to passing pedestrians of vehicular traffic.3.No banner, or flag-type banner may be larger than 5m², and no flag may be larger than 2m²; provided further that no flagpole may exceed a relevant height restriction of the zoning of the premises, up to a maximum of 8m above natural ground level, measured directly below the pole;4.No poster, banner, flag, or balloon may be displayed within 30 metres of any road traffic sign or traffic signal.5.Posters, banners, flags, or balloons are not to be affixed to trees, traffic signal poles, electrical or service authority distribution boxes, or other poles which carry road traffic signs, rock, other natural features, street furniture or other municipal property.6.Banners, flags, or balloons may not be affixed in such a way that they unfairly prejudice other businesses or organisations or obscure any approved existing signs.7.Only one banner per premises will be permitted unless the municipality’s written permission is obtained for more than one.8.A maximum of five flagpoles bearing national flags may be erected on the premises of an accommodation facility on a single residential erf;9.Subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 4, a maximum of three flags displaying the name, corporate symbol and nature of the premises on which it is displayed, may be allowed.10.Posters, banners, flags and balloons not kept in a good condition may not be displayed and must be removed if notified in writing by the municipality.Schedule 11
Posters, banners and flags on public roads and public places
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of posters, banners and flags in public roads or public places, for the purpose of advertising specific events, is permitted in all areas of control except natural and rural areas of maximum control.In addition—1.Approval for third party advertising on posters, banners, flags and balloons may only be granted for a function or event conducted for religious, educational, social welfare, animal welfare, sporting, civic or cultural purposes or to a function or event relating to a Municipal, Provincial or Parliamentary election or referendum.2.The name of the host organisation, the date and venue must appear on the material in letters not less than 50mm in height.3.Posters, banners and flags may only be erected to advertise the event and the name or emblem of a sponsor may not cover more than 20% of the surface of the material.4.The municipality may levy a tariff to cover the cost for the removal of material which have been erected without the approval of the municipality given under the hand of an authorized official.5.Posters, banners and flags may be displayed for a maximum period of fourteen days prior to the event and must be removed within 2 days from the date of the event or the last day thereof as applicable.6.Posters with a maximum measurement of 80 cm × 50 cm must be mounted on a board and affixed securely with stout string or plastic fastening without damage caused to the poles. No securing material with a metal content is permitted.7.Posters, banners and flags, excluding election posters and flags, may only be erected in the roads, or places as indicated by the municipality and may not be erected in residential areas or on bridges. No political banners will be allowed.8.Only one poster or flag per organisation may be erected on every second streetlight pole.9.Posters and flags must be erected at a uniform height of approximately 2 metres.10.No posters, banners or flags may be affixed to trees, traffic signs, traffic signals, central ridges, existing advertising signs or any municipal buildings or over hydrant identification signs.11.No posters, banners and flags may be displayed within 30 metres of any road traffic sign or traffic signal.12.All materials used to affix the posters must be removed together with the posters.13.The municipality may remove any indecent or torn posters, banners or flags, or any posters, banners or flags which create a traffic hazard in the opinion of the municipality14.The municipality is exempted from claims that may be instituted against the municipality as a a result of the display of posters, banners and flags.15.The display of posters, banners and flags purely for commercial advertising is not permitted, provided that any poster, banner or flag which relates to a sport, the arts, or cultural event may be permitted, despite such posters, banners or flags containing commercial elements. The commercial element may not exceed 20% of the extent of the poster, banner or flag.16.Organisations or persons who obtained approval to display posters or flags must pay a deposit as determined by the municipality, which shall entitle that person to display the said poster or flag for a maximum period of 14 days, or such time as stipulated by the municipality. No poster or flag may be displayed without such deposit having been paid.17.The municipality may remove or request the applicant to remove all posters or flags should any of the above conditions not be complied with.18.Posters or flags that are not removed by the due date may be removed by the municipality in which case the deposit paid will be forfeited to the municipality.19.Banners will be erected or removed by the municipality at a rate as approved from time to time and the banner must comply with the specifications as laid down by the municipality.Schedule 12
Estate Agent signs
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of estate agent signs is permitted in all areas except natural areas of maximum control. In addition:1.Advertising signs by estate agents may not be displayed unless written approval for a sole mandate or dual mandate has been obtained from the owner of property on which such signs are erected.2."Show House" signs may be displayed only from 12h00 on Friday to 20h00 on Sundays or on Thursdays and Mondays where either the Friday following the Thursday, or the Monday or both are public holidays.3.Estate Agent signs may not be affixed to trees, traffic signals, street poles or other poles which carry road traffic signs, walls, fences, rocks, other natural features or landscaped areas, street furniture, or other Municipal property, unless such other display is authorised by the municipality in writing.4.On each sign, the wording "On Show", "Show House", "Show Flat" or "Show Plot" with the Agency’s name and directional arrow must be displayed.5.Signs may be displayed on stakes making use of a design approved by the municipality. Estate Agent signs may not be displayed on concrete, premix or paved surfaces. It is not permissible for stakes to penetrate the ground deeper than 15cm.6.Estate Agent signs may not exceed 0,3m² in total area.7.A maximum of one "For Sale" sign per estate agency may be displayed at single residential premises, except at a corner stand where two signs may be displayed; provided further that a maximum of six "For Sale" signs may be displayed simultaneously at such residential premises.8.Estate Agent signs may not be displayed along Scenic Drives or on any bridge, public park or public open space.9.A maximum of ten directional signs per show house/flat/plot may be displayed along class 2 or 3 roads, excluding roads referred to in item 7 above.10.No Estate Agent sign may obscure a road traffic sign.11.No Estate Agent sign may be erected on center islands.12.No Estate Agent sign may be erected in such a way that any part of it is closer than 1.5m from a road verge.13.Directional signs may be displayed along main routes only, being the shortest route from a main road to the property.14.No Estate Agent signs may be erected on any tarred area of pavements.15."Sold"/"For Sale"/"To Let" signs may be erected flush against the fence or wall of the property.16."Sold" signs may be displayed flush against the fence or wall of the property for a maximum period of one month only.17.No signs indicating anything other than property for sale may be erected or displayed by Estate Agents.18.Estate Agencies must apply annually for permission to display Estate Agent signs and approval may be subject to payment of an annual tariff in accordance with the municipality’s Schedule of Tariffs.19.A deposit may be required by the municipality against which a charge for the removal of any sign which contravenes the by-law will be levied. In the event of the above deposit being exhausted, permission to display such signage may be withdrawn until a further deposit is paid to the municipality.20.Any Estate Agent sign unlawfully erected, or in contravention of the provisions of this Schedule, will be subject to a charge by the municipality; in the event of the said sign not being removed by the municipality, photographic evidence of the unlawful sign may be obtained by the municipality prior to levying the said charge.Schedule 13
Loose portable signs
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of loose portable signs is permitted in areas of minimum and partial control as well as designated areas within urban areas of maximum control. In addition:1.Loose portable signs may not be placed in a road reserve or in public open spaces without the written permission of the municipality.2.The municipality may remove and impound loose portable signs placed without permission in a road reserve or on Municipal property. Owners can recover their signs on payment of the prescribed tariff as determined the municipality which will be used to defray the cost of removal, storage and transportation.3.The following criteria will apply in respect of an application in terms of item 1:(a)that it does not pose a hazard in terms of safety to the public;(b)that it does not obstruct or cause inconvenience to the public either by its physical size or location;(c)that it does not unfairly prejudice other traders;(d)that the loose portable sign or proposed number thereof does not detract from the amenity of the local streetscape or local environment;(e)that it is intended solely to advertise the name of the business, goods or services for sale from the advertiser’s premises;(f)that the maximum dimensions of the proposed loose portable sign must be 1.2m (height) × 0.6m (width).(g)that it may be placed directly in front of the advertiser’s premises, provided that the above criteria are met; and(h)that a minimum clear footway width of 1,8 metres must remain clear and 2,5 metres in the central business district and sidewalks with high pedestrian volumes.4.The municipality may demarcate areas within the road reserve or on municipal property where, during normal trading hours, applicants may then place the approved loose portable signs. The said signs must be removed outside normal trading hours and stored away from public view.5.The municipality may levy tariffs for displaying the loose portable signs, which tariffs shall be payable in advance for a maximum period of six months.6.Applicants will be required to indemnify the municipality against any claims from third parties that may arise, due to the placement of loose portable signs within the road reserve or on municipal property.7.Notwithstanding the above, the municipality may cause the removal or impoundment of the sign or signs should the applicant contravene any of the above conditions.Schedule 14
Aerial signs
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection display of aerial signs is permitted only in urban areas of partial or minimum control. In addition:1.No aerial signs affixed to any building or structure may be flown at a height of more than 45 metres from the surface measured from ground level.2.Aerial signs may not be flown above a public road.Schedule 15
Transit advertising
Subject to approval in terms of this by-law, the erection or display of transit signs is permitted only in urban areas of partial or minimum control. In addition:1.The parking of a transit sign which is visible from a public road or a public place for the purpose of third-party advertising is prohibited, except if it is displayed on a designated display site approved in terms of this by-law.2.Transit signs parked on private property for the purpose of storage must be positioned in such a manner as not to be visible from a street or public place.3.The advertising panel or portion of the vehicle used for transit advertising may not exceed a cumulative total of 18m² in areas of partial control, which size may be increased to a maximum size of 36m² in areas of minimum control.4.The municipality may designate sites in areas of partial and minimum control for transit advertising and may publish notices indicating such sites.5.Notwithstanding any provisions of this by-law, the municipality may, without prior notice remove any unauthorised transit signs from municipal property, and, in the case of unauthorised transit advertising on private property, the municipality may serve a notice ordering the removal thereof in terms of this by-law.6.Transit signs must be fixed to the ground at the parking location.Schedule 16
Signs on municipal land or buildings
1.No sign may be displayed or erected on municipal land or buildings without the written permission of the municipality.2.The following specific conditions and criteria will apply to the signs mentioned in items (a) to (c) below:(a)Commercially sponsored signs other than those in section 13(10)Notwithstanding the area of control within which it is proposed to erect a commercially sponsored sign on municipal land or buildings, and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this by-law, the municipality may consider a commercially sponsored sign for approval, subject to the following:(i)community needs or goals must be identified or adopted by the municipality and if such needs can be addressed either entirely or in part by the granting of concessions to particular persons for the erection of commercially sponsored signs, the municipality may call for public input on such community needs or goals and the related advertising opportunity.(ii)in order to identify such community needs or goals, the municipality and other interested authorities must consult prior to proposals being invited, so as to establish conditions, criteria and constraints in respect of such advertising.(iii)the municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy will apply.(iv)that any proposal be evaluated on the following factors:(aa)the adherence to the principles of this by-law;(bb)the design contribution;(cc)the best community benefit offered;(dd)the creativity and public safety;(ee)the permanence of the contribution to the community goals or needs; and(ff)the recovery cost over the period of the erection of the sign as opposed to the largest advertising opportunity or financial gain.(v)when contributions in kind are to be recovered by the municipality, a conversion thereof to a monetary contribution to the municipality’s income base will be assessed.(vi)the municipality, as landowner, reserves the right not to proceed with any proposal prior to final approval thereof and the call for invitations for proposals in any respect shall not be regarded as decision by the municipality to proceed with the erection of a sign in respect of a specific site.(vii)once accepted, any sign to be erected in terms of this schedule must be the subject matter of a written agreement between the municipality as landowner and the person responsible for the erection of the sign.(b)Sponsored signsNotwithstanding the area of control within which it is proposed to erect such a sign on Municipal owned land or buildings and subject to compliance with all other provisions of the by-law, the municipality may consider a sponsored sign for approval on condition that:(i)written detail which clearly indicates the recognised community goals which will be promoted by the erection or display of the proposed sign;(ii)signs with a political content will not be permitted;(iii)no more than 5% of the total surface of the sign is used for third party advertising.(iv)the maximum size of any such sign will be 6m × 3m; provided in the event of a V-shaped sign where the size may not exceed two panels of 6m × 3m each.(v)applications for billboards to be erected in terms of this section comply with the requirements as set out in Schedule 2.(vi)no sign erected in terms of this clause be located within 5 metres of a property’s boundary line.(c)Non-profit signsNotwithstanding the area of control within which it is proposed to erect a sign, and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this by-law, the municipality may consider the erection of a sign by or for the benefit of a non-profit body subject to compliance with the requirements set out in Schedule 17 hereto.Schedule 17
Signs erected by or for the benefit of non-profit bodies
1.Notwithstanding the area of control within which it is proposed to erect a sign by or for the benefit of a non-profit body, and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this by-law, the municipality may consider such a sign for approval subject to the following:(a)written details from the host non-profit body regarding the nature and extent of the support to be received from the erection or display of the sign must be delivered to the municipality together with the other information set out in section 3 of this by-law;(b)the extent of involvement of previously disadvantaged communities, small businesses, job creation and empowerment will be considered in any proposal;(c)that any proposal be evaluated on the following factors;(i)the adherence to the principles or provisions of this by-law;(ii)the design contribution;(iii)the best community benefit offered;(iv)the creativity and public safety; and(v)the permanence of the contribution to the community goals or needs as opposed to the largest advertising opportunity or financial gain.(d)in the event of it being proposed that the said sign will be erected on municipal property:(i)the municipality must evaluate the proposal;(ii)the municipality as landowner reserves the right not to proceed with any proposal prior to final approval thereof; and(iii)if accepted, a written agreement between the municipality, the person responsible for the erection of the sign and the non-profit body must be entered into.(e)In addition the following conditions will apply:(i)signs with a political content will not be permitted;(ii)the maximum size of any such sign is 6m × 3m; provided in the event of a V-shaped sign being proposed, its maximum size will not exceed two panels of 6m × 3m each;(iii)applications for billboards to be erected in terms of this section must comply with the requirements as set out in Schedule 2;(iv)no sign erected in terms of this clause may be located within 5 metres of a property’s boundary line;(v)the name of the non-profit body must be displayed on the sign with a maximum 300mm lettering height;(vi)all parties that may be affected by the erection or display of such sign must be given opportunity for their input;(vii)the municipality may require submission of impact assessment studies; and(viii)no more than two individual signs of 6m × 3m each may be permitted, or alternatively one V-shaped sign with a maximum of two panels of 6m × 3m each on any one property. In addition, only one sign per street frontage will be permitted.