Keeping of Bees (Municipal Council of Piketberg)

South Africa

Keeping of Bees (Municipal Council of Piketberg) By-law, 1998

The Premier has approved the following by-law framed by the Municipal Council of Piketberg.


In this By-law, unless the context otherwise indicates:-"area of jurisdiction" means area of jurisdiction of the Piketberg Municipality, and"council" means the Municipal Council of Piketberg.


(1)No person shall on any premises within the area of jurisdiction of the council keep or permit to be kept, bees without the sanction in writing of the council.
(2)Any application for the sanction of the council to keep bees shall be in writing and the applicant shall in such application—
(a)specify the premises whereon he proposes to keep bees;
(b)state the maximum number of hives to be used, and
(c)state whether or not he has a knowledge of the habits of bees and if the affirmative, satisfy the council that in fact he has such knowledge.


No person shall under authority of the sanction of the council in terms of section 2, keep bees—
(a)on premises less than 3 700 m² in extent;
(b)except in a bar-framed hive approved by the council, situate not less than 90 m from any street, dwelling, place or business or fowl-house or place where animals or birds are kept, and enclosed by means of a sound wire fence or wall of a height not less than 1,5 m at a distance of not less than 4,5 m in any direction from such hive so as to render such hive inaccessible to animals or unauthorised persons.


Notwithstanding the provisions of the aforegoing sections, council may—
(a)withhold its sanction in the case of any premises, whereon it is proposed to keep bees in terms of any application made therefor, being within 400 m, measured from the nearest point of the nearest boundary of such premises, of the nearest point of the nearest boundary of any church, school, hospital or cinema or any other place of amusement, gathering or recreation;
(b)withhold its sanction in the case of the applicant not having any or, in the opinion of the council, not sufficient knowledge of the habits of bees; or
(c)cancel any sanction given in the case of any person who has failed or is failing to comply with the provisions of section 2 after 7 days of a notice served upon the holder of such sanction of its intention to do so.


No person shall keep or permit to be kept bees on any premises within the area of jurisdiction of the council whereon is situated any building used for the purpose of any industry, business or trade.


Any sanction of the council given for the keeping of bees shall, subject to the provisions of this By-law, expire on the 31st December in each year and application for the renewal thereof shall reach the town clerk not later than the 1st December of such year.


Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a fine as prescribed by section 189(23) of the Municipal Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 20 of 1974).
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