Cat-egory | Num-ber ofattend-ees | Minimum timebefore anevent to sub-mit an applica-tion | Minimum timefor Municipal-ity to respond | Appeal to belodged byapplicantwithin: | Appeal to bedecidedwithin: |
Small | 50 - 2000 | 15 workingdays | 10 workingdays | 24 hours ofreceipt ofnotice ofrefusal | 24 hours ofreceipt ofappeal |
Medium | 2001 -5000 | 20 workingdays | 15 workingdays | 48 hours ofreceipt ofnotice ofrefusal | 48 hours ofreceipt ofappeal |
Large | 5001-10 000 | 25 workingdays | 20 workingdays | 48 hours ofreceipt ofnotice ofrefusal | Within 3 work-ing days ofreceipt ofappeal |
Verylarge | 10 001andabove | 60 workingdays | 40 workingdays | 48 hours ofreceipt ofnotice ofrefusal | Within 5 work-ing days ofreceipt ofappeal |