Schedule 1
General conduct
1.A member of the Tribunal must at all times—(a)act in accordance with the principles of accountability and transparency; and(b)disclose his or her personal interests in any decision to be made in the planning process in which he or she serves or has been requested to serve;(c)abstain completely from direct or indirect participation as an advisor in any matter in which he or she has a personal interest and leave any chamber in which such matter is under deliberation unless the personal interest has been made a matter of public record and the Council has given written approval and has expressly authorised his or her participation.2.A member of the Tribunal may not—(a)use his or her position or privileges as Tribunal member or confidential information obtained as a Tribunal member, for private gain or to improperly benefit another person; or(b)participate as a decision-maker concerning a matter in which that Tribunal member or that member’s spouse, family member, partner or business associate has a direct or indirect personal interest or private business interest.Gifts
3.A member of the Tribunal may not receive or seek gifts, favours or any other offer under circumstances in which it might reasonably be inferred that the gifts, favours or offers are intended or expected to influence that member’s objectivity as an advisor or decision-maker in the planning process.Undue influence
4.A member of the Tribunal may not—(a)use the power of his or her office to seek or obtain special advantage for private gain or to improperly benefit another person that is not in the public interest;(b)use confidential information acquired in the course of his or her duties to further a personal interest;(c)disclose confidential information acquired in the course of his or her duties unless required by law to do so or by circumstances to prevent substantial prejudice or damage to another person; or(d)commit a deliberately wrongful act that reflects adversely on the Tribunal, the Municipality, the government or the planning profession by seeking business by stating or implying that he or she is prepared, willing or able to influence decisions of the Tribunal by improper means.
Schedule 2
Bergrivier Municipality: By-Law Relating to Municipal Land Use Planning published in Provincial Notice P.N. 209/2015 dated 2 July 2015 read with Provincial Notice P.N. 222/2015 dated 17 July 2015