Vessels, Trailors, Boats, or any Towing or Sailing Equipment on Vacant Land (Piketberg Municipal Council)

Vessels, Trailors, Boats, or any Towing or Sailing Equipment on Vacant Land (Piketberg Municipal Council)

South Africa

Vessels, Trailors, Boats, or any Towing or Sailing Equipment on Vacant Land (Piketberg Municipal Council) By-law, 1998

The Premier has approved the following by-law framed by the Municipal Council of Piketberg.


In this by-law, unless the context otherwise indicates:—"area of jurisdiction" means the area ofjurisdiction of the Municipal Council of Piketberg, and"council" means the Piketberg Municipal Council or its duly authorised employee.


No person shall leave or park any towing vessels, trailers, boats or any towing or sailing equipment on any vacant erf, public open space or other vacant land within the area ofjurisdiction of the council without the written approval of the council.


Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine as prescribed by section 189(23) of the Municipal Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 20 of 1974).
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